Shanti Seeds of Bali Group

My photo
Taman, Bali, Indonesia
We are a group of bead workers from Taman and Bongkasa Village, Bali, Indonesia. We love to create beautiful things to be shared with everyone who admire beauty and creativity.

Contact Us

Contact Us
Workshop address: Br. Tebejero, Taman, Abiansemal, Badung,Bali. email: Mobile: +628123929762

Monday, September 24, 2007

Pictures of Our Activities

the road to our home.

Anta doesn't want to miss his chance to be in the photograph without his traditonal outfits.
On our way home from the rice paddies shootings. We did some shootings for the future website.

Trying to get a better shots for them, but they are just beautiful from different angle.
Kids are posing in traditional balinese outfits at nearby rice paddies from where we live. They are all look very gorgous.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pictures of our workshop

All the boxes are ready for shipping.
Wayan is counting and checking all the baskets before packing them into the box. We put cutting paper to make sure that the baskets are well protected during the shipping.
Ni Wayan Nilayanti is cleaning up the baskets before wrapping them with bubble wrap. We make sure than all the basket has a tag and beader's name tag in it. we provide the profile of the beader, so our customer has an information of the artists who beaded the basket.
Ni Made Reti Miani and Ni Made Listiyawati are wrapping the basket with bubble wrap and preparing for the packing list.

The kids help me in packaging. I share with them to do a good packing for our works. We use bubble wraps to protect the beads from hitting each other, to minimize the possible damages that caused by the long journey that our works takes in shipping to the US and Europe.

Everyone is helping in packing some baskets for clients. We work hand in hand as a family.

On the porch of our house, we have everyone enjoying their beading and having lots of jokes

Ni Komang Ayu Nita, our new participant in our workshop and she has been enjoying her beading time and getting some small basket done. She is truly a cute little girl.

New Participants at our workshop!

There have been a few more kids who have joined us in our workshop over the last few days and they are all very excited to join the team and learning to bead from the older kids. Our home have been more alive when more kids who are coming home after school. It is wonderful to see how well motivated they all are. We hope that we are going to be able to keep the work available for all of them and having the opportunity to help all these children for a better life.
They are still studying at elementary school and they go to school at 7.30 am and finish at 12.00 PM, so after lunch and doing their necessary homeworks, they come to our home and beading together with other kids. It is nothing more beautiful in life than having so much loving kids at your home, it makes your world more alive and excited. I love them all very much.

Ni Nyoman Ayu Nita

Date of birth: May 30th, 1998
Home Address: Bali-Indonesia.

Ni Nyoman Herpinati

Date of birth: August 28th, 1996
Home Address: Bali-Indonesia.

Ni Made Wiwintari

Date of birth: December 15th, 1997
Home Address: Bali-Indonesia.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

SMC - Small Cupu Rattan Baskets

We have just created some of these beautiful Small Cupu Baskets and tried to create them in many colors combination to provide more of a varieties collections. Everyone has been so patient in completing all these baskets. The young mothers have been spending their free time after finishing all their houseworks and the kids participating after school.
There have been so much fun and jokes that we had together.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Night Thunder

Here are some of the black and white designs that we are working on lately. They are shaped in round tall baskets. It is quit easy to do this motif as we are just making a zig-zag lines and being repated but the dificulties are coming when we are working on the lid as we have to try to make the lines attched with the bottom part.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Easter Egg

We have been trying to create more collection for Easter Eggs where we use the wood for the base. It is some kind of Balsa wood which is very light. We just hand strung the seed beads around it to cover up the whole surface with 2 drop peyote stitch technique. We are trying to create them I many different colors combination and different motifs on it to see the better works on them.

Here is what we have created so far and we are going to try to beads on other different media in trying to develop our beading skills. It is also giving some new excitement for everyone to try to do new stuff where they will not be boring with the same media of works all the time.